Safety Products
Safety Products
Gate Automation Systems believes it is vitally important to complete a certified automation system by ensuring all safety measures are in place. This is true for both the installer who carries out the job as well for the client who wants to know the gate is safe to use for all. Gate Automation Systems meets these needs with many specifically designed systems, all of which comply and are tested according to strict company standards that place safety at the top of the list when installing your gate systems. These systems will be installed and connected to the gate in professional manner to ensure long lasting service.
Gate Automation Systems takes pride in training its staff to assist you in the decision making and advising of the correct sliding gate requirements & design parameters for your site along with the safety devices required for your specific application, along with the professional installation of the systems purchased.

Exit Trigger / Safety Devices – Induction Loops
Induction loops or safety loops as they are commonly known are an embedded cable loop laid and sealed into the concrete or asphalt surface of a roadway. This ‘loop’ is connected to an electronic device known simply as the detector, this monitors the changes in the magnetic field of the loop to a pre set calibration and changes the state of an electrical relay, which in turn is used by the controlling device of the gate motor.
Should high bed vehicles such as semi trailers pass through the gates, dual safety loops must be used. This consists of one safety loop on the outside and inside of the gate.
It should be noted that induction loops, do not detect pedestrian personnel, they can only detect metal. It is common practice where pedestrians may use roadway gates as a thoroughfare to install one or more photo electric beams directly across the gate opening.

Safety Photo Electric Beams (Swing Gates)
Installation of 1 set of photo electric beams installed at the gate opening & 1 set just clear of the arc of the gates to run across the opening to constantly look for any obstruction to stop the swing gates from operating in the situation of a vehicle or more importantly a person blocking the swing gate from closing. The photo electric cell will not allow the gate to close until the beam is clear of any obstruction, once clear the gates will resume operation.
Safety Photo Electric Beams (Slide Gates)
Installation of 2 sets of photo electric beams installed at the gate opening (1 x set approx. 700mm high and 1 x set approx. 1550mm high) to run across the opening to constantly look for any obstruction to stop the sliding gate from operating in the situation of a vehicle or more importantly a person blocking the sliding gate from closing. The photo electric cell will not allow the gate to close until the beam is clear of any obstruction, once clear the gate will resume operation.
Safety Photo Electric Beams (Slide Gates)
Installation of a minimum of 1 set of through beam photo electric beams installed at the gate opening to run across the opening to constantly look for any obstruction to stop the sliding gate from operating in the situation of a vehicle or more importantly a person blocking the sliding gate from closing. The photo electric cell will not allow the gate to close until the beam is clear of any obstruction, once clear the gate will resume operation.
Safety Photo Electric Beams (Boom Gate)
Installation of a minimum of 1 set of photo electric beams installed across the gate opening to run across the opening to constantly look for any obstruction to stop the boom arm from closing in the situation of a vehicle or more importantly a person blocking the boom arm from closing. The photo electric cell will not allow the boom arm to close until the beam is clear of any obstruction, once clear the gate will resume operation.

Safety Photo Electric Curtain Beams:
Safety Photo Electric through beam light curtain which includes multiple beams evenly spaced so that a vast total area is covered.
- Featuring a weather proof design, the light curtain has a range of 20m’s and the mounting brackets can be adjusted up to 180°.
- Black anodized aluminum channel is sleek and compact.
- Installed at the gate opening to run across the opening to constantly look for any obstruction to stop the sliding gate from operating in the situation of a vehicle or more importantly a person blocking the sliding gate from closing. The photo electric cell will not allow the gate to close until the beam is clear of any obstruction, once clear the gate will resume operation.

Gate Safety Edges
The installation of a safety edge is another safety measure which will give additional protection for pedestrians & also minimise damage. Safety edges are manufactured from a soft cushioning material that has a special mechanism inside & when activated the gate will immediately stop until the obstruction is cleared. Once the obstruction is cleared the gate will resume its normal operation.
In this scenario we see a typical barred sliding electric gate moving through a stationary frame where the motor and control electronics are housed. To protect this design it is best practise to install safety edges to be installed on the leading, closing & opening edges (up to a height of 2.5M where required).
In addition to protect against shearing in the stationary frame we require safety edges to be installed on both sides of the frame (and in both opening & closing directions). Additional edges may be required to protect at the electric motor case or other shearing points depending on the design of the gate.
Safety Systems

Boom Gate Safety with Photo Electric Beams
Example of perimeter coverage on a Boom gate with wireless photocells.
A. PE Beams Receiver.
B. PE Beams Transmitter.
C. Additional PE Beam Repeater.
D. Additional PE Beam Repeater.

Swing Gate Safety with Photo Electric Beams
Example of perimeter coverage on a swing gate with wireless photocells.
A. PE Beams Receiver.
B. PE Beams Transmitter.
C. Additional PE Beam Repeater.
D. Additional PE Beam Repeater.

Sliding Gate Safety with Photo Electric Beams and Safety Edge.
Example of perimeter coverage on a sliding gate.
A. PE Beams Transmitter.
B. PE Beams Receiver.
C. Additional PE Beam Transmitter.
D. Safety Sensitive Edge.

Sliding Gate Safety with Photo Electric Beams.
Example of perimeter coverage on a sliding gate.
A. PE Beams Transmitter.
B. PE Beams Receiver.
C. Additional PE Beam Transmitter.
D. Safety Sensitive Edge.